Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
Seasonal Remodeling Decline Arrives Early; More Severe
Home Sales and Prices Fall in California; Shutdown Weakens October Outlook
Home Improvement Spending to Level in mid-2014
Rising Rates and End of QE in 2014 - Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae will soon Finalize First Risk-Sharing Deal
Purchase Applications Suffer During Shutdown; Rate Reprieve Helps Refis
Seasonal Sales Dip More Than Usual in Southern California
HOPE NOW Retention Actions Exceed Foreclosures by 25 percent
Builders and Consumers Take a Breather Amid Shutdown
Home Prices Reach 2009 Levels, Gains Moderating
CFPB Clarifies Rules for Borrower Contact
Reconsidering Death Sentence For Fannie and Freddie
One Reason Next Jobs Report Could Pack Bigger Punch
Wells Posts Record Earnings; Mortgage Pipeline Down 45 Percent from Q2
NAR Insists Mortgage Interest Deduction be Saved (so it Probably will be)
Foreclosure Problems are Increasingly Local
Sunbelt States Buoy Builder Application Survey
Five Large Lenders Fueled Golden Age of Multifamily Lending
Fannie Shifts $5 bln in Taxpayer Risk to Newcomer NMI
Refinance Applications Improve Again; Purchases Fall
Plans to Reduce Conforming Loan Limits Under Heavy Fire from Industry Groups, Congress
Policymakers Must Consider Multifamily Role in Housing Finance
Yellen Brings Impeccable Foresight and Soothing Continuity as Fed Chair
Freddie Mac's Shutdown Workaround for Furloughed Workers
Mortgage Credit Availability Declines Thanks to Fewer Terms over 30yrs
The New Mortgage Securitization Platform Gets Real
GSE Delinquency Rate Less Than Half of Industry Average
Improving Equity and Fewer Investors will Drive California Home Sales in 2014
Shadow Inventory Drops below 2 Million Homes
NAHB Replaces Improving Markets Index; Smaller Metros Lead
Rising Rates Plus Rising Equity May Spur HELOC Demand
Housing Market Optimism Tempered by Shutdown
Market Participants Flying Blind Without Economic Data
If Policymakers "Get it together" Housing Picture Looks Bright
Vampires and Monsters and Zombies, Oh My
Simply the Threat of US Default can Hurt Economy
If Prolonged, Shutdown Will Increasingly Hurt Mortgages, Housing, and Economy - MBA's Stevens
Freddie Mac to recover $1.3 billion from Wells, Citi, and Suntrust
Mortgage Apps Dragged Down by Purchases; Refis Rebound as Rates Drop
Pace of Home Price Growth Moderating: CoreLogic
Fannie Mae Portfolio Continues Contracting; Delinquencies Decline
Shutdown Updates From Freddie Mac and HUD
New HUD QM Definition: Biggest Impact, Lower Lender Legal Costs
Shiller Sees no Housing Bubble, but Perhaps a 'Bubble Mentality'
REITs, Pension Plans Increase Multifamily Debt Holdings
FHA Required to Take Treasury Draw
Pending Home Sales Fall; NAR Expects Decline to Continue
One-third of Shadow Inventory Cleared in Last Year
FHA May Request Bailout as Early as Next Week
Foreclosure Starts Halved over 12 Months