Jann Swanson - Mortgage News Daily Article Contributions
CFPB Wins What Could be a Hollow Victory
Robots Coming for Your Job? Why Automated Underwriting is Good
Although Pending Sales Up, NAR Warns of Tax Law Implications
Rising Rates Finally Make a Dent in Mortgage Apps
You'll Never Guess Who's Pushing Homeownership Higher
Deja Vu: Home Price Gains Being Led by Usual Suspects
Black Knight Home Prices on 67 Month Winning Streak
Freddie Mac Takes on More Loans, More Delinquencies in December
Rough Finish to a Strong Year for New Home Sales
Best Year For Home Sales Since 2006, Despite Headwinds
FHFA Home Prices Slow Slightly, Still Up in November
Purchase Mortgage Applications Hit 8-Year High
Tax Bill Will Have Winners, Losers Fannie Says
Hurricane Stricken States Now Seriously Delinquent
HUD Provides Availability Info for Shutdown
Will Higher Rates and Tax Changes Derail Housing Market?
Auction Fever Heats Up Home Sale Prices
FHFA Director Watt Weighs in on Financial Reform Debate
Urban Institute Weighs in on the Rent vs. Own Under New Tax Bill
A Request; Should Fannie and Freddie Update Their Credit Requirements?
New Home Construction Retreats Quickly in December
Borrowers Get Ahead of Tax Changes, Refinance Activity Up in December
Mortgage Rates Gently Rising from Recent Lull
Reverse Mortgages Draining FHA Resources, Overhaul Needed
Builder Confidence Down From 18-Year High, Still Strong
Application Volumes Rise Despite Surging Rates
Housing Demands are Changing, Builders Slow to Follow
Growing Concerns Over VA Loan Churning
New Home Sales Defy Holiday Lull, Rising in December
A Dose of Digital Reality for Builders?
Mortgage Applications Heat Up After Holiday Lull
Lending Standards Becoming Tight For Government Loans
Delinquency Rates Skewed by Hurricane Stricken States
Tax Cut Uncertainty Dampened Consumer Attitudes in December
Black Knight: Tax Law Could Impact HELOC Borrowing
New Bills Could Impact Lenders, Deregulation Tops the Schedule
November Construction Spending Comes in Hot
MBA Plays Catch Up After Holiday Hiatus
Home Prices Disregard Winter Blues, Continue 2017 Tear
Mortgage Lenders' Biggest Fear: Other Mortgage Lenders
Pending Home Sales See Slight November Gains
Home Price Increases Outpace Inflation by 3x
Home Prices Slow Down, but Still Continue to Rise
New Home Sales Stellar, Despite October Revision
Credit Standards Loosen, Refi Boom to Blame
Fannie/Freddie Home Prices Pick Up Speed
Fannie and Freddie Now Allowed to Keep Some Profits
Existing Home Sales Post Largest Gains Since 2015
Rising Credit Risk Remains in Normal Bounds
Mortgage Applications Stumble, Refi's Remain Strong